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Save the Reeves Farmhouse!


Ignoring overwhelming community support for the renovation of the historic Reeves farmhouse so it can be used as a healthy-food and community learning center for kids and adults, an out-of-touch 3-to-2 County Board majority shocked Arlington residents by voting to sell the 19th century farmhouse and surrounding green space to private developers or other individuals. 


Boarded-up and vacant for 14-years, the surprise vote on May 19, which came with little public notice, "is a hurtful slap in the face  to Arlington children," Joan Horwitt told the County Board just prior to the vote.  "The kids have fallen in love with the spirit and history of the farmhouse when they sit on the farmhouse porch where we have lessons on Arlington's agriculture history and how we can build on that legacy right here in the Reeves farmhouse. They often ask, when can we go inside?  The answer you're thinking about giving them is, Never!"


All of us--the vast majority of Arlington residents--must make our voices heard and demand that the County Board majority reverse its misguided, unwarranted decision.  It's up to us to Save the Reeves Farmhouse!


Please call or send emails to the County Board members who voted to sell the cherished, one-of-a-kind farmhouse and green space.  The Board members are Mary Hynes (, Libby Garvey (, and John Vihstadt (  The County Board phone number is:  703-228-3130.


For more background, see the Washington Post story:  "For Sale:  A Piece of Arlington's past,"


Click here for Joan Horwitt's Statement to the Board on May 19, 2015




How do kids get excited about eating lettuce and salads?  The Washington Post reported on our most recent Fiesta Salad celebration by interviewing kids and LAWNS 2 LETTUCE 4 LUNCH founder Joan Horwitt:

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